Friday, September 11, 2009

1st Day & Night in Vaseville (aka Wasserberg!!!)

So, the first night:
Bugbite count: 31 just on my face and right arm tho.

I sleep in a little room in the slant of a house. Which sounds not that great but it's part of a flat that i share with Andrea (my host sister). WE have a kitchen and living room and dining room thing. It's mighty nifty.

First Day: It was rather boring. Possibly because i was jetlaggged tho. I slept and missed out on the opportunity to mow the lawn for the first time. Which was quite a let down. Cause what's it like to have a lawn?? I suppose i shall find out next time the lawn needs mowing.
That night tho we went to Herbsfest (Auntumn Festival). Which was an experience. It was a carival. But then there were beer tents. Which was the most fun thing i've ever been to. WE all stood on benches and drank beer and sprite mixed and sang traditional Bavaian songs and 'coreographed' them. But it wasnt just young people. It was old people with gray hair and young people who were 16. It was very surreal. Why don't we have that type a spirit where the whole place knows the words to the songs and can party together?

I'm excited for Oktoberfest now. But that is in Munich and Andrea told me it was very expensive. Arg.

The keyboard here is strange also. The 'Z' and 'Y' have switched places and they have ö and ä. The letters have turned into strange creatures with eyes. I suppoes i will find out what the strange creatures mean eventually.

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